You see, tomorrow I leave for my winter retreat in the Virgin Islands. Which, as fun as it sounds, is actually a lot of work. (I know, you're probably throwing up now.) I'll be gone for three months, so I've been busy with all the preparations, not to mention the whole New Year's thing. So, that's why these photos were so delayed. 'Tis the truth.
But, hey, at least they're done and posted now, right? Please take a look at them and let me know what you think. I'm pretty happpy with them and I think you will be too. As always, all these photos can be viewed in much larger versions complete with captions on my photography site in the Hawaii Gallery.
I will try and post photos from the Virgin Islands when I can. Internet is spotty there, so it may be awhile. Until then, I thank you for keeping up with me, and hope the best for you and yours.

Beautiful photography
Thanks, Chris. Much appreciated. :)
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