Forests are a bitch. To shoot in, that is.
Ask just about any landscape photographer, and they'll tell you the same thing. Finding good compositions among the dense forest is just plain tough. (I touched on this in a previous photoblog post when I was shooting in the Hoh Rainforest in Olympic National Park.)
The rainforest of St. Croix is certainly no exception. I've spent years trudging through many different parts of it, and never have found a composition I liked. Being in the Caribbean, it's a jumbled mass that often requires a machete to progress through. It reminds me of that famous line from Predator where Jesse Ventura says, "This sh*t makes Cambodia look like Kansas".
But, that all changed recently when a good friend took me on a jungle excursion he often does for fun. I thought I'd seen it all, but he proved me wrong. (Something that's all too easy to do.)
I came across a tree that is quite honestly the most spiritual, majestic and human tree I've ever seen -- it literally had a face. It was straight outta Lord of the Rings -- Treebeard would've wept! The feeling it gave me can only be described as "humble". I can't wait to visit it again.
I worked hard at creating the "feeling" of the tree's spirit in the image below -- I hope you can feel it, too. Please be sure and check out the LARGE VERSION so you can see the detail in the scene.
Before I go, I'd like to give a shout out to Crazy Joe Hazi for taking me on his excellent "Slow Down Jungle Tour". And, as always, thanks to all of you for your continued readership. Now, get out there and hug a tree! ^_^

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