I found this spot on the west end of St. Croix, US Virgin Islands, in early April while scouting locations. The island in the center is a seastack, which are rare in the Virgin Islands. This is the only seastack I've ever found on St. Croix in ten years.
I returned to this remote spot several different times over the course of three weeks and shot the sunset. I had to be on my guard to keep my camera dry while shooting near the crashing waves -- my feet were often in a foot of water. On the last sunset before I had to leave the island for the summer -- my very last chance to get what I wanted without having to wait until next winter -- I finally got it. So many times we landscape photographers bust our humps and the weather doesn't cooperate -- it's very rewarding when persistence pays off and we finally do get what we're looking for.
I honestly think this is one of the strongest images I've ever made in the Virgin Islands. I hope you dig it, too. Be sure and look at the large version of this -- it really does it much more justice.
Well, that about does it for this latest entry into the Greatest Photoblog In The Entire Known Universe. I hope after reading it, you will now march forth, with your newly-acquired divine knowledge of seastacks firmly in hand, and solve world hunger. Or, at least smile a little. ^_^

The Only Seastack
(Click HERE for large version.)
This is really cool! Kory your photos make me want to visit tomorrow. I really would love to come visit in the next couple of years! Keep the great shots coming.
This is a fantastic shot. Thanks for sharing it.
Thanks, Al, much appreciated.
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