Without going into too much detail, one of our group injured himself fairly seriously, and we had to administer first aid in the field. All that Boy Scout training finally paid off. What makes it far more interesting is that the injury occurred while we were a bit... lost. Turns out our map was incorrect. (That sure is heartening -- a map, which pretty much only exists to PREVENT you from getting lost -- was wrong, and got us, um, lost.)
Once we found our bearings, we realized that we had been on Canadian soil when my friend got injured. So, in addition to being injured and lost, we had also illegally crossed an international border. Yep, we were injured lost illegal aliens. Sounds like a reality show.
Below is a photo from near our campsite on Rose Lake. The rocks in the foreground are Minnesota. And the land on the horizon is -- you guessed it -- Canada. You can view the large version HERE.
Don't forget that I'm out at the Minnesota Renaissance Festival every Saturday and Sunday until October selling the posters I made of Twig the Fairy. Hope to see you out there!
Until next time, take care. ^_^

Rose Lake Sunset