Being that I'm still recovering from my hip injury, I don't do a whole lot of running these days. So, it's kind of funny being called a "runner-up". Yet, that is indeed what I am.
I ended up taking second place in that photo contest I mentioned last month. I really would've liked to have won, but placing in the top 5 out of almost 600 entries isn't too bad I guess. Plus, I did win a bit of cash, and that's never a bad thing. THANK YOU very much to all who voted for me!
The Boudary Waters trip was a blast. The weather was much drier this year, and our campsite was one of the best I've ever seen. It was like a fairy tale.
Ironically, the photography conditions weren't as good as last year's trip. All of the sunrises save for one were obscured by dense cloud cover. The sunsets were't much different, either. And, much of the area we based out of was fairly burned out by a recent fire. Still, I did come away with some keepers which I will elaborate on below. Most importantly though, we all had a smashingly good time and enjoyed getting the heck outta the city. That, my friends, is priceless. (Cue cheesy Mastercard commercial.)
I ended up taking second place in that photo contest I mentioned last month. I really would've liked to have won, but placing in the top 5 out of almost 600 entries isn't too bad I guess. Plus, I did win a bit of cash, and that's never a bad thing. THANK YOU very much to all who voted for me!
The Boudary Waters trip was a blast. The weather was much drier this year, and our campsite was one of the best I've ever seen. It was like a fairy tale.
Ironically, the photography conditions weren't as good as last year's trip. All of the sunrises save for one were obscured by dense cloud cover. The sunsets were't much different, either. And, much of the area we based out of was fairly burned out by a recent fire. Still, I did come away with some keepers which I will elaborate on below. Most importantly though, we all had a smashingly good time and enjoyed getting the heck outta the city. That, my friends, is priceless. (Cue cheesy Mastercard commercial.)
Coming Together
This was taken right from our campsite during the only half decent sunset we had. Look closely and you can see many different islands in the lake. We never tired of gazing out on this scene.

This mother and her young ones visited our campsite many times each day. I'd like to think they were fond of us, but I think it was the campsite itself that drew them in. Even the wildlife knew that our campsite was awesome.
Fixin' Dinner
Sure it's easier to use a portable cook-stove to make dinner, but it's not as fun.
Going My Way?
This Ruffed Grouse was more than a little curious.
Ready for Adventure