FINALLY! After what seemed like forever, my new camera finally arrived. I can't tell you how good it felt to have a camera again -- I almost cried when I saw it! I'm going to keep this blog entry short -- now that things are starting to return to normal, I want to spend more time
taking pictures and less time
talking about them. So, let's get on with it!
I thought the best way to break in the new gear would be to shoot one of my favorite subjects: butterflies. So, that's just what I did, and the camera performed flawlessly. I was able to capture several species that I hadn't seen before. Feast your eyes on these beauties, and remember that you can see these and many others in my
Butterflies Gallery.
In the coming weeks, I have a Boundary Waters trip planned, among other things, so I should have more photos to display. Until then, take care.
A Paper Kite, also known as a Rice Paper butterfly or a Tree Nymph butterfly.
An Atala butterfly, also known as a Coontie Hairstreak.

Red Spot Diadem butterfly hangs beneath a coneflower.

Dark Blue Pansy. (Not what I'd want to be called if I was a butterfly.)

Malaysian Lacewing.

Emerald Swallowtail.

Julia butterfly.

Cydno Longwing.

Common Mormon. (Does that mean it doesn't drink coffee?)