Sunday, September 30, 2012

The Watcher


With tomorrow being the first day of October and the start of the Halloween season, the time feels right to unveil this spooky, ominous image.  (Be sure to view the large version.)

I shot this from my canoe while paddling the Minnesota River earlier this summer. It's a bald eagle, quietly surveying his domain.  He stayed there motionless for quite awhile, all alone at the top of a tall dead tree.  I got the feeling that nothing escaped his steely gaze.  I wouldn't want to be a mouse or rabbit living around there, that's for damn sure.

That about does it for this month's unusually brief (some would say mercifully so) entry.  Next month, I will have images from my upcoming trip to Colorado and Utah, which is only six days away.

Until then, take care.  And, don't even think about wearing the same costume as last year. ^_^

The Watcher
(Click HERE for large version.)