First off: my hip. I'm happy to say it's getting better all the time. I've been off of crutches for about a week now. I can't walk perfectly yet -- I still hobble -- but it sure beats the snot out of crutching. I'm still battling with my insurance company, but I *think* I'm going to come out on top. Famous last words, perhaps? We shall see in the coming weeks. They've won the battle, but the war will be mine, methinks.
Next: my camera. Nothing but positive news here. Unlike my health insurance company, my camera insurance company is being a total rock star and is replacing my ruined Canon 5D with a new Canon 5D Mark II!! It's on its way to me now. I can not WAIT to take it for a spin. Going from 12 megapixels to 21 (!) will be quite something. Not to mention being able to shoot HD-quality video. Perhaps I'll become a videographer as well? Oh, they're also replacing my ruined Canon 24-105mm lens. Not too shabby.
And now, let's get to the meat: the shots.
Last time, I mentioned a shot I took at Creque Dam. You will see that below, entitled, "Lost In Thought". Also, in my tree post from a couple months ago, I mentioned that I'd be posting a better version of that shot. And, voila, here it is, entitled, "Magic Tree".
Below those two shots, you will find a couple more shots from my Puerto Rico trip. These shots are just for fun, and can only be seen here on this blog post. They are not in my Fine Art Galleries.
Lastly, you will see a shot of an X-ray. Unlike the one I posted last time, this one is actually of ME. Yep, those are six titanium screws and a plate holding my hip together. Now, when someone tells me to "go get screwed" at least their comment will make sense. ^_^
Next time I post, I should have some images made with my new camera. Until then, take care!
"Lost In Thought" Click here to see and learn more.
"Magic Tree" Click here to see and learn more.
"Travellers Beware - Kaelly The Tonguer" (Only seen here.)
"Slice Of Life" (Only seen here.)
"My Hip X-ray" (Ouch.)